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Our Naples Medical Spa Blog

Remove and Reduce Unwanted Hair at Your Favorite Naples Medical Spa!

Laser technology has come a long way since first envisioned in science fiction. Today, laser technology is used in a broad spectrum of applications, including cosmetic rejuvenating treatments in the form of laser-generated skin tightening, skin repair, fat removal, and hair removal. In fact, the number of laser-based cosmetic procedures performed has increased by about 75 percent since 2012, with laser hair removal billed as the fourth most popular cosmetic procedure overall, according to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery.     

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Skin Care & Nutrition: Maintaining Your Radiance Under Quarantine

So, you’re on day-something of quarantine- you might have lost track! But what we haven’t lost track of is our skincare tips, routines, and tricks to maintain our glow- even in self-isolation. In fact, you probably have more downtime than ever to make some new healthy habits you won’t ever want to shake! At Tru Glo Medspa, we want to give you the absolute best tips to keeping your skin clear and radiant, starting from the inside and working your way out.

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