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Our Naples Medical Spa Blog

Don’t Let Your Hands Give Away Your Age!

You take care of yourself and you look and feel youthful… so why give away your age at the first hand shake? Your hands take a lot of abuse so it’s no wonder they are tired and worn out. Let’s think for a moment of all we do to our hands.

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Discover CoolSculpting

Sculpt my Body? That is so Cool!

It’s true you can freeze away that stubborn fat which just won’t go away. CoolSculpting makes it possible to get rid of those annoying pockets of fat we unloving refer to as; the muffin top, handle bars, secretary spread and that double chin.

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The Hair Free Revolution

It’s time to eliminate nasty nicks, cuts, bumps and overall itchiness from your life!

Are you tired of plucking, shaving, and waxing unwanted hair? Let’s be honest ladies and gentlemen, you know you think about going hair free. For many of us the thought comes often, like when we are in the shower trying to think of what we will wear today and whether or not we can get away without shaving. If only we didn’t have to shave.

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