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Injectables & Fillers

Discover Kybella®: The Only FDA-Approved Injectable Treatment for Double Chin

If you were born with a double chin due to genetics or have developed one because of weight gain or aging, you probably know that reducing the under-chin fat deposits through diet and exercise is usually futile. Not only is it impossible to spot reduce fat anywhere on the body, but distinct fat loss in the chin will only be proportional to the fat reduction everywhere else. Therefore, if your diet and exercise regime successfully cuts two inches from your waist, you might not even notice any incremental fat loss from under the chin.

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While Injectable Fillers Are All the Rage, Botox Leads the Minimally Invasive Procedure Pack

The popularity of minimally invasive dermal fillers has surged over the past few years. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ latest statistics, relatively new hyaluronic acid-based fillers like Juvederm® and Restylane® experienced a 70% uptick in patient use between 2019 and 2022. Patients are also trying more recently introduced, non-hyaluronic-acid-based fillers like Radiesse® and Sculptra®, according to the Society’s numbers.

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Ask Your Naples Med Spa Whether RHA® by Revance is Right for You

Anyone seeking non-invasive treatment for wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging quickly realizes that there are numerous injectable dermal filler, neurotoxin, and muscle relaxant options to choose from. They all provide age-defying benefits, but which one is right for you? While treatment area combined with skin type and condition will play a role in your decision-making, what other factors should you consider when choosing the right treatment?

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