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Skincare Tips

Six Commonly Asked Questions About Chemical Peels

You’ve undoubtedly heard about the skincare procedure known as the chemical peel but may not know what it is. Or, perhaps you generally understand what a chemical peel might be but are wary about learning more about the treatment. Let’s face it, the procedure’s two-word name is not very inviting.

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Reverse Aging with Forever Young® BBL

Sun exposure, hormonal changes, pollutants, and other factors stress our skin constantly, causing short- and long-term damage and visible signs of aging. Given the abundant sunshine in our southwest Florida area, our Naples medical spa clients frequently ask us about skincare treatments that are scientifically proven to rejuvenate skin and repair skin damage. In response, we often tell them about Forever Young® BroadBand Light® (BBL) therapy, which is backed by studies proving it to be effective at rejuvenating and repairing skin cells at the molecular level.

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