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Naples Medspa Details Five Facts You Did Not Know About CoolSculpting®

The popularity of CoolSculpting® has surged across America over the past few years, and the increasing number of Naples, Florida-area clients requesting the procedure from Tru Glō Medspa is no exception! You’ve probably heard that CoolSculpting® is a non-invasive procedure that removes stubborn areas of fat. You might also know that the procedure works by freezing away those fat cells. Beyond that, though, you might not know all that much. But, read on, as we’ve got the skinny for you with five facts you did not know about CoolSculpting®.

CoolSculpting® Truly Works

As the first FDA-approved non-surgical fat reduction treatment, CoolSculpting® has been clinically proven to remove as much as 25 percent of fat cells in targeted areas. To date, more than eight million treatment sessions have been performed worldwide. Clinically known as “cryolipolosis,” CoolSculpting® works by freezing the fat cells to the point of crystallization, which kills them permanently. Your body then naturally processes and removes the dead fat cells over the subsequent weeks and months. While most patients start noticing results within a month, the most significant reduction is typically noticed after two to three months, by which point your body has had enough time to remove the dead fat cells.

CoolSculpting® Can Target Many Parts of the Body

Multiple applicator shapes and sizes allow CoolSculpting® to be used on many different areas of the body—essentially anywhere stubborn fat cells are stored between the chin to the knees. Primary target areas include:

  • Chin
  • Back
  • Upper arms, 
  • Bra area
  • Flanks (love handles)
  • Upper abdomen
  • Lower abdomen
  • Inner thighs
  • Outer thighs
  • Buttock folds and rolls

It’s Not Just for the Ladies

Men tend to have an easier time losing weight than women, but as they age, it becomes harder and harder to lose those last fat deposits in the abdomen, and especially in the love handles. Men often find that a cycle of CoolSculpting® can help sculpt the midsection to produce the desired V-shaped core. Men are also turning to CoolSculpting® to help treat gynecomastia (man boobs) and reduce fat buildup under the chin. 

CoolSculpting® is not Painful

Most patients report little to no discomfort during the CoolSculpting® procedure, and some even nod off during its hour or so duration. Roughly 10 percent of patients report discomfort following their CoolSculpting® session, but it’s easily addressed with ibuprofen or other over-the-counter pain relievers. Other post-procedure side effects reported by some patients include mild soreness, itching, swelling, and numbness, all of which subside within a week.  

You Can Thank Popsicle-Eating Kids

CoolSculpting® was discovered by accident after doctors studying “popsicle panniculitis” realized that children who frequently ate popsicles experienced a reduction in the number of fat cells in the cheek. This led to further study on how temperatures impact weight and the subsequent 2005 development of CoolSculpting® technology. 

Learn More About CoolSculpting® at Tru Glō Medspa 

Along with CoolSculpting®, Tru Glō Medspa offers other minimally invasive procedures to target fat and cellulite, as well as a medically supervised weight loss program. To learn more about how these products can help you improve the look of your aging skin, contact us today through our website’s contact page or by calling 239-919-7009.